Teardown in winter
Stripped from inside all shutters and shingles
30-year Duron green flashes tired leaves
A spray-painted arrow GAS HERE CUT LAST
Will show some field surgeon due any day
A motley tower sits ten feet of old plywood
It gathers the electric keeps the street line
Live through the demo then buzzing alone
And blazing worklights against the fresh frame
The cellar was dumped out dirt cords for a furnace
But the backhoe is folded its trailer splayed
Both bystanders now fueled up to wait
Their part in the tear-down stopped until spring
Now the house is stuck wet leaf-pasted cocoon
No caterpillar to transform no moth
To shudder off bearing the last year’s work
All its struggles thrown aloft as though new
So the year accumulates its tragedies
Still rolled in last month’s papers piled up
Beneath this electric maypole its current
Grounded, trickled out across a waiting earth
Copyright Josh Jacobs 2014